Wednesday, 4 April 2012

FOBT or Fecal Occult Blood

Colorectal Cancer is the third highest cause of cancer mortality in the United States. The ACS (American Cancer Society) predicts nearly 143,000 newly diagnosed cases this year. While scientists are still unclear about the exact cause of most colorectal cancers, there are risk factors that are known to contribute to the disease. These factors include lack of exercise, poor diet, and rectal or colon polyps. Individuals who are over fifty years of age are considered a higher risk category than a younger person. It has been recommended that men and women should have periodic colonoscopies, FOBT tests, and/or other screening to check for colorectal cancer; however, people with a family history or colorectal cancer should begin screening earlier. According to the Centers for Disease Control , as many as 60% of all cases of colorectal cancer could be avoided with regular screening and prevention methods.
Potential warning signs of colorectal cancer can include:
*Rectal bleeding
* Dark stools or stools containing blood
*Differentiation between bowl movements (for example: switching between diarrhea and constipation)
*Lower stomach cramping and pain
* Weakness, fatigue, weight loss
According to the most current research on the subject, eating a healthy diet of many fruits and vegetables in addition to moderate exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding alcohol, can all help play a role in colorectal cancer prevention.


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