Monday, 12 March 2012

Heavy Metal Testing

There are heavy metals like Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic in the water we drink, the food we eat, and the household chemicals we use every day. Typically, these very low levels of heavy metals they have no immediate effect on our health, but as time go on, they can build up to near toxic levels.
Recently, a study performed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) found that over 400 lipstick brands contained far more lead than previously thought- more than 7.19 parts per million- which means the level is double what was previously thought. Lead specifically builds up in the body over time, and applying lipstick a few times a day, every day, adds up quickly.
Lead is a proven neurotoxin that can cause learning, language, and behavioral problems. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to lead. It crosses the placenta, and is able to directly affect the growing fetal brain. While the FDA claims there is no safety concern regarding the level of lead women are consuming in their lipstick, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) fired back by saying that there is no acceptable or ‘safe’ level of lead.
There have been many concerned groups such as “Campaign for Safe Cosmetics” who have called out for the FDA to set safety standards for an allowable amount of lead found in cosmetics.
Lead is just one of the heavy metals known to be dangerous when consumed by humans. Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic, and Chromium are equally concerning.
A simple blood test at a laboratory like Any Lab Test Now can determine the exact amount of these heavy metals in your blood.

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