Designer drugs have been in the news a lot lately, whether you recognize them by that term or not. Substances like “K-2 or Spice” and “Bath Salts”, which are synthetic reproductions of chemical compounds similar to those found in THC and Cocaine, are being distributed and sold under the guise of ‘incense’ and ‘bath salts’, and consumed. Although these products come with labels that read : “Not for human consumption” they are being smoked, snorted, taken orally, and ingested in many other ways.
There are two dangerous problems. The first of which is that they are readily available (even to children) at gas stations, head shops, and general stores and are inexpensive to buy.
The second disturbing fact is that both K2 and bath salts have shown serious negative side effects, and in some cases, death.
K2 contains over 400 chemical compounds and is sometimes laced with actual THC (marijuana).
The substance is meant to mimic the effects of THC but the side effects are proving very dangerous. For example, just some unpleasant effects of ingesting K2 are:
Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
Panic and Anxiety
Bath Salts (MDPV) are supposed to mimic the effects of cocaine and amphetamines and are classified temporarily (until further legislation is passed) as schedule I drugs, which are the most restricted and controlled substances according to the federal government. They are just as, if not more, dangerous than K2. The side effects can include:
Panic/ Paranoia
Violent outbursts
Kidney failure
Emergency rooms all across America have reported a very large increase in ER visits due to ingesting both of these dangerous chemical compounds. Deaths have occurred in children as young as 13 years old. If someone you love may be abusing designer drugs, have them tested before it’s too late.
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