Saturday, 31 March 2012
std testing | Home improvement Ideas - std testing. You might be questioning in the occasion you'll need the che...
Hepatitis C can be acquired through many channels, although the most common method of contracting Hepatitis C is by sharing used needles.
Friday, 30 March 2012
Designer drugs
Designer drugs have been in the news a lot lately, whether you recognize them by that term or not. Substances like “K-2 or Spice” and “Bath Salts”, which are synthetic reproductions of chemical compounds similar to those found in THC and Cocaine, are being distributed and sold under the guise of ‘incense’ and ‘bath salts’, and consumed. Although these products come with labels that read : “Not for human consumption” they are being smoked, snorted, taken orally, and ingested in many other ways.
There are two dangerous problems. The first of which is that they are readily available (even to children) at gas stations, head shops, and general stores and are inexpensive to buy.
The second disturbing fact is that both K2 and bath salts have shown serious negative side effects, and in some cases, death.
K2 contains over 400 chemical compounds and is sometimes laced with actual THC (marijuana).
The substance is meant to mimic the effects of THC but the side effects are proving very dangerous. For example, just some unpleasant effects of ingesting K2 are:
Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
Panic and Anxiety
Bath Salts (MDPV) are supposed to mimic the effects of cocaine and amphetamines and are classified temporarily (until further legislation is passed) as schedule I drugs, which are the most restricted and controlled substances according to the federal government. They are just as, if not more, dangerous than K2. The side effects can include:
Panic/ Paranoia
Violent outbursts
Kidney failure
Emergency rooms all across America have reported a very large increase in ER visits due to ingesting both of these dangerous chemical compounds. Deaths have occurred in children as young as 13 years old. If someone you love may be abusing designer drugs, have them tested before it’s too late.
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There are two dangerous problems. The first of which is that they are readily available (even to children) at gas stations, head shops, and general stores and are inexpensive to buy.
The second disturbing fact is that both K2 and bath salts have shown serious negative side effects, and in some cases, death.
K2 contains over 400 chemical compounds and is sometimes laced with actual THC (marijuana).
The substance is meant to mimic the effects of THC but the side effects are proving very dangerous. For example, just some unpleasant effects of ingesting K2 are:
Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
Panic and Anxiety
Bath Salts (MDPV) are supposed to mimic the effects of cocaine and amphetamines and are classified temporarily (until further legislation is passed) as schedule I drugs, which are the most restricted and controlled substances according to the federal government. They are just as, if not more, dangerous than K2. The side effects can include:
Panic/ Paranoia
Violent outbursts
Kidney failure
Emergency rooms all across America have reported a very large increase in ER visits due to ingesting both of these dangerous chemical compounds. Deaths have occurred in children as young as 13 years old. If someone you love may be abusing designer drugs, have them tested before it’s too late.
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"Because hormones in our body all work together during homeostasis, a Thyroid hormone imbalance can cause other hormones to run off track. Some hormones affected by Thyroid hormone levels include:Estrogen- The Thyroid may not be able to produce hormones properly if your estrogen levels are high.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Schools keep tabs on drug case - The ACLU alleges that Solanco's policy is unconstitutional because the district...
Lake George fort's 1750s skeleton featured on new TV series - For “The Decrypters,” a team of forensic anthropologis...
Experts estimate that as many as 59 million Americans suffer from Thyroid conditions. Although the number of people with Thyroid conditions is high, Mary Shomon, author of “The thyroid diet” and thyroid patient advocate explains that most people are not getting properly diagnosed or treated.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Will these antibiotics mess up this lab test Yahoo Answers - need to get a blood test for herpes 1 & 2, however…...
Progesterone- Because it has a stimulating effect on the Thyroid, a drop in levels of progesterone throughout menopause or perimenopause can lower Thyroid hormone levels.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Student fights drug testing - Gray heard arguments Tuesday during a preliminary injunction request that seeks to ove...
There are no vaccinations against Hepatitis C as there are for Hepatitis B, but if current trends continue, by 2030 deaths from Hepatitis C will reach 35,000 a year.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Two drug offenders released pending sentencing - Before sentencing, she must report to the Sheriff's Office five...
Planned Parenthood to open clinic in Ferndale - It will have services on a sliding scale -- birth control, STD testi...
These substances contain well over 400 chemicals and create lasting health problems, such as a rapid heartbeat, paranoia, coma, seizures, and even death.
Sunday, 25 March 2012
In 2010, more than one million cases Chlamydia were reported in the United States according to the CDC. However, it is widely believed the actual number is much higher due to gross under-reporting. Another reason this number may be shy of the actual amount, is that Chlamydia often goes undetected for long amounts of time because it tends to show little symptoms. The CDC estimates that around 2.8 million cases occur annually.
Chlamydia caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis and is transmitted sexually the majority of the time. Chlamydia is often referred to as a ‘silent’ disease because for many people, it shows no signs or symptoms in the early stages. In people who do experience symptoms, the most common include:
*Burning or painful urination
*Genital discharge
*Itching, burning, and swelling
*PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
* More susceptible to HIV
*Potential for ectopic pregnancy
Chlamydia can also cause infertility and can be passed from the cervix to the rectum in some cases.
The good news is that Chlamydia can be treated and cured with antibiotics; A single dose of azithromycin or a week of doxycycline (twice daily) are the most commonly used treatments at this time.
All sex partners should be evaluated, tested, and treated. Persons with Chlamydia should abstain from sexual intercourse for 7 days after single dose antibiotics or until completion of a 7-day course of antibiotics, to prevent spreading the infection to partners.
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Chlamydia caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis and is transmitted sexually the majority of the time. Chlamydia is often referred to as a ‘silent’ disease because for many people, it shows no signs or symptoms in the early stages. In people who do experience symptoms, the most common include:
*Burning or painful urination
*Genital discharge
*Itching, burning, and swelling
*PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
* More susceptible to HIV
*Potential for ectopic pregnancy
Chlamydia can also cause infertility and can be passed from the cervix to the rectum in some cases.
The good news is that Chlamydia can be treated and cured with antibiotics; A single dose of azithromycin or a week of doxycycline (twice daily) are the most commonly used treatments at this time.
All sex partners should be evaluated, tested, and treated. Persons with Chlamydia should abstain from sexual intercourse for 7 days after single dose antibiotics or until completion of a 7-day course of antibiotics, to prevent spreading the infection to partners.
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Testosterone- Testosterone also stimulates the Thyroid, so reduced thyroid function can occur during andropause (male menopause)
Saturday, 24 March 2012
K2 for example-which is said to mimic the effects of marijuana, has caused a dramatic increase in Emergency room visits in just the last two years.
std testing » Capstone Creative Group - In a fun filled item for news through the battle from reproductive organ hsv...
In order to determine Thyroid function, routine blood testing is necessary. Comprehensive Thyroid testing typically includes: TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPO), T3 uptake, and T4 total.
Friday, 23 March 2012
Girl Talk: The Pregnancy Test - The Frisky - I am a writer. I have been a writer since age eight, when I penned a dr...
While long term treatment can produce costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, prevention is cost-effective and can help save many lives. A simple blood test is all that is required to help diagnose a Hepatitis C infection.
Health roundup: Test may predict heart attack - That could change someday with a blood test that detects cells that ...
HIV prevalence in African American Women
The prevalence of HIV among African American women in high risk areas has been greatly underestimated, according to a recently released study. The HIV prevention trials network (HPTN) conducted the study in association with the National Institute of health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.; the conclusion of the study showed disturbing results. The findings were based on information collected from 2099 women from six geographical areas known for poverty and high rates of HIV.
Women compose nearly a quarter of new HIV infections, and 66% of these women are African American. This trend is interesting given the fact that African American women comprise only 14% of the female US population.
Another significant finding is the high number of women who were found to have HIV infection at the time they enrolled in the study, (32 women or 1.5%). These women were previously unaware of their HIV status, highlighting the need for better access to care, prevention strategies and the very important task of increasing HIV awareness.
A simple blood test is all it takes to diagnose HIV infection. There are other methods available, like using saliva, but the blood test is generally thought to be the gold standard. The cost of an HIV test is usually nominal and the results can give you peace of mind as well as the knowledge you have taken responsibility for your health and wellbeing.
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Women compose nearly a quarter of new HIV infections, and 66% of these women are African American. This trend is interesting given the fact that African American women comprise only 14% of the female US population.
Another significant finding is the high number of women who were found to have HIV infection at the time they enrolled in the study, (32 women or 1.5%). These women were previously unaware of their HIV status, highlighting the need for better access to care, prevention strategies and the very important task of increasing HIV awareness.
A simple blood test is all it takes to diagnose HIV infection. There are other methods available, like using saliva, but the blood test is generally thought to be the gold standard. The cost of an HIV test is usually nominal and the results can give you peace of mind as well as the knowledge you have taken responsibility for your health and wellbeing.
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These days’ young people are looking for new and legal ways to get high. This can be accomplished by doing everything from ‘whippets’ –inhaling aerosol, to sniffing white out, to smoking K2 or ‘spice’ as it is sometimes called.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Know somewhat About AN STD Testing Treatments - Tweet College. STD is known as loveually fed diseases. Girls (and fo...
Frequently, an underactive Thyroid is caused by nutritional deficiencies, and once these deficiencies have been addressed the problem often resolves itself.
pregnancy test » - Taylor Kitsch pregnancy test. I was home sick this week, reading my People magazine...
Potential highs are everywhere. Don’t let a loved one’s drug abuse slip under the radar, consider drug testing individuals who seem out of sorts; you could save their life.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Drug-testing law on hold, headed for federal court - By Bill Cotterell A new law allowing state agencies to order ra...
The Thyroid is a gland which regulates how your body uses energy. When the Thyroid is sluggish and underactive, it is called ‘hypothyroidism’. Hypothyroidism is the most common Thyroid disorder.
Peterson: My Team Asked For Drug Tests in Khan Bout - Lamont Peterson rematch is that both fighters will participate...
According to data collected between 1999-2007 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Hepatitis C infections now kill more Americans than HIV.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
std testing – - The standard theory associated with Aikido is use of ki. When you can just ...
School drug policy - By Tony Brown Backed by a survey that indicates support by a large majority of parents, the Mar...
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
Herpes simplex virus comes in many forms, eight to be exact. The more we understand about this family of virus, the better prepared we will be to protect ourselves and educate our loved ones about methods of transmission.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSVI)- Herpes type one refers to oral herpes. If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you have Herpes type I. It is easily passed from person to person via kissing and skin to skin contact but it can also be contracted by sharing personal items like razors, towels and eating utensils with someone who has an active lesion. This type of Herpes is VERY common, with about 80% of the adult population in the US testing positive. Treatment is usually topical for mild cases, with antiviral therapy for more severe cases.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSVII) - Herpes type 2 is genital herpes. This type of herpes can affect the genitals, mouth, rectal area, pubic area and upper thighs. Type 2 is sexually transmitted and according to researchers, 1 in 4 adults is positive for HSVII. This type of herpes is treated with antiviral medications like Valtrex.
Human Herpes Virus 3 (HHV3) - this type of herpes is also called Varicella Zoster and is the cause of Chicken Pox. When this virus causes recurrent skin infections it is called Herpes Zoster or “shingles”. This type of herpes is closely related to HSVI, in the way it manifests itself physically. However, typically a HHV3 infection is more severe than a reoccurrence of HSV1.
Human Herpes Virus 4 (HHV4) - Is also known as the Epstein Barr virus, it is the major cause of Mononucleosis or “mono”. This is a contagious infection transferred by the sharing of saliva during kissing, sharing utensils, coughing or sneezing.
Human Herpes Virus 5 (HHV5) – This is the official name of CMV (Cytomegalovirus)- which is also a cause of mononucleosis- CMV can be transmitted sexually, can cause problems in newborns and can cause Hepatitis. This virus usually causes little to no problems in people with normal, healthy immune systems but in those who have lowered immune function like people with HIV, it can wreak havoc on bodily systems and cause serious complications.
Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV6) – This type of Herpes causes Roseola, (a viral disease which causes a high fever and skin rash in small children.)This condition causes other fever related problems in this age group as well. This accounts for many cases of convulsions from fevers in small children.
Human Herpes Virus 7 (HHV7) – This type of Herpes and HHV6 are very closely related. It has been shown that these two herpes varieties are so common that most of mankind has been infected at some point, usually early in life.
Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV8) – This form of herpes was recently discovered in the tumors of KS or Karposi’s Sarcoma. These are commonly found in people with AIDS and are rare otherwise. It is very difficult to treat with medication and may also cause other cancers like lymphomas.
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Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSVI)- Herpes type one refers to oral herpes. If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you have Herpes type I. It is easily passed from person to person via kissing and skin to skin contact but it can also be contracted by sharing personal items like razors, towels and eating utensils with someone who has an active lesion. This type of Herpes is VERY common, with about 80% of the adult population in the US testing positive. Treatment is usually topical for mild cases, with antiviral therapy for more severe cases.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSVII) - Herpes type 2 is genital herpes. This type of herpes can affect the genitals, mouth, rectal area, pubic area and upper thighs. Type 2 is sexually transmitted and according to researchers, 1 in 4 adults is positive for HSVII. This type of herpes is treated with antiviral medications like Valtrex.
Human Herpes Virus 3 (HHV3) - this type of herpes is also called Varicella Zoster and is the cause of Chicken Pox. When this virus causes recurrent skin infections it is called Herpes Zoster or “shingles”. This type of herpes is closely related to HSVI, in the way it manifests itself physically. However, typically a HHV3 infection is more severe than a reoccurrence of HSV1.
Human Herpes Virus 4 (HHV4) - Is also known as the Epstein Barr virus, it is the major cause of Mononucleosis or “mono”. This is a contagious infection transferred by the sharing of saliva during kissing, sharing utensils, coughing or sneezing.
Human Herpes Virus 5 (HHV5) – This is the official name of CMV (Cytomegalovirus)- which is also a cause of mononucleosis- CMV can be transmitted sexually, can cause problems in newborns and can cause Hepatitis. This virus usually causes little to no problems in people with normal, healthy immune systems but in those who have lowered immune function like people with HIV, it can wreak havoc on bodily systems and cause serious complications.
Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV6) – This type of Herpes causes Roseola, (a viral disease which causes a high fever and skin rash in small children.)This condition causes other fever related problems in this age group as well. This accounts for many cases of convulsions from fevers in small children.
Human Herpes Virus 7 (HHV7) – This type of Herpes and HHV6 are very closely related. It has been shown that these two herpes varieties are so common that most of mankind has been infected at some point, usually early in life.
Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV8) – This form of herpes was recently discovered in the tumors of KS or Karposi’s Sarcoma. These are commonly found in people with AIDS and are rare otherwise. It is very difficult to treat with medication and may also cause other cancers like lymphomas.
Source :
Monday, 19 March 2012
std testing houston | TV5 Free - Tag Archives: std testing houston. Post navigation. A loveUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE...
Food 'sensitivity' test unreliable: Canadian expert - An increasingly popular food "sensitivity" blood tes...
A simple blood test at a laboratory like Any Lab Test Now can determine the exact amount of these heavy metals in your blood.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Find Jobs - GC/MS CHEMIST Jobs in Meriden, Connecticut ... - GC/MS CHEMIST - Find Science Jobs at Connecticut Testin...
Random drug testing helps adolescents and adults alike think twice before using prohibited substances.
Focus on blood test after tick death - THE death of a man bitten by a tick that carried an infection usually found i...
?Legal Highs?
These days’ young people are looking for new and legal ways to get high. This can be accomplished by doing everything from ‘whippets’ –inhaling aerosol, to sniffing white out, to smoking K2 or ‘spice’ as it is sometimes called. But the danger doesn’t end there, not by a long shot. Kids are inventive, and with the plethora of information available to them on the internet and through social networking- they are finding new and even more dangerous ways to get high. K2 for example-which is said to mimic the effects of marijuana, has caused a dramatic increase in Emergency room visits in just the last two years. The same is true for ‘bath salts’ which are supposed to recreate the effects cocaine. These substances contain well over 400 chemicals and create lasting health problems, such as a rapid heartbeat, paranoia, coma, seizures, and even death.
In addition to the aforementioned designer drugs, older forms of intoxication from naturally occurring substances are being used by the young people of today. An example of this would be ingesting wormwood- a substance used in making the very powerful drink: Absinthe. Even things that seem fairly harmless to many of us can have adverse health effects. Red Bull, a popular energy drink in America has been banned in both Germany and France. Red bull contains 0.13mcg of cocaine per serving and greatly increases the likelihood of heart attack and stroke for both the young and the old. Red Bull also contains Glucuronolactone- a very dangerous chemical stimulant.
Potential highs are everywhere. Don’t let a loved one’s drug abuse slip under the radar, consider drug testing individuals who seem out of sorts; you could save their life.
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In addition to the aforementioned designer drugs, older forms of intoxication from naturally occurring substances are being used by the young people of today. An example of this would be ingesting wormwood- a substance used in making the very powerful drink: Absinthe. Even things that seem fairly harmless to many of us can have adverse health effects. Red Bull, a popular energy drink in America has been banned in both Germany and France. Red bull contains 0.13mcg of cocaine per serving and greatly increases the likelihood of heart attack and stroke for both the young and the old. Red Bull also contains Glucuronolactone- a very dangerous chemical stimulant.
Potential highs are everywhere. Don’t let a loved one’s drug abuse slip under the radar, consider drug testing individuals who seem out of sorts; you could save their life.
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There have been many concerned groups such as “Campaign for Safe Cosmetics” who have called out for the FDA to set safety standards for an allowable amount of lead found in cosmetics.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
20 Miles & Blood Test Results | Lindsay Runs - Well, I survived my solo 20 miler in Montclair on Saturday. I fel...
Obviously the same rule applies to adults who must submit to random drug testing, either for their employer, probation officer, family and friends, doctor, or rehabilitation center.
HIV Vaccination Research progress
In the medical journal Chemistry & Biology s February 24th issue, there was a featured article regarding new discoveries in the ongoing challenge of HIV vaccination and prevention. According to the study, scientists have made a break-through discovery regarding the bacterium Rhizobium radiobacter, which is similiar to the HIV virus in that it is coated by sugar molecules on its surface. This resemblance is giving scientists a basis for developing a preventative vaccine. In HIV, the sugar molecules act as a cloaking device, allowing the virus to enter our system without being noticed until weeks later when it has already set up house and begun to multiply rapidly. Once our body recognizes the intruder, the virus is already several steps ahead of our body’s efforts to eliminate it. Scientists hypothesis that the sugar molecules found on the Rhizobium could be used to trigger our immune response into recognizing the sugar molecules in HIV, which would prompt a faster awareness to the virus’ invasion.
Before it’s possible to put this hypothesis into practice, scientists need to find a suitable protein to bind the sugar molecules. The protein is necessary to adequately trigger the development of antibodies to the sugar. These same antibodies would then recognize and work to eliminate the sugar molecules attached to the HIV virus. This is not totally new scientific territory, as a similar method of developing vaccines for meningitis and childhood pneumonia.
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Before it’s possible to put this hypothesis into practice, scientists need to find a suitable protein to bind the sugar molecules. The protein is necessary to adequately trigger the development of antibodies to the sugar. These same antibodies would then recognize and work to eliminate the sugar molecules attached to the HIV virus. This is not totally new scientific territory, as a similar method of developing vaccines for meningitis and childhood pneumonia.
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While the FDA claims there is no safety concern regarding the level of lead women are consuming in their lipstick, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) fired back by saying that there is no acceptable or ‘safe’ level of lead.
Friday, 16 March 2012
This is where many parents catch their children in their deceit. Because the child never knows quite when the random drug test will take place, it is also useful as a deterrent.
Drug testing for unemployment benefits? - This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March ...
Thyroid Testing
The Thyroid is a gland which regulates how your body uses energy. When the Thyroid is sluggish and underactive, it is called ‘hypothyroidism’. Hypothyroidism is the most common Thyroid disorder. Hypothyroidism causes a variety of symptoms that range in severity:
-Fatigue; Many people report feeling tired even when they have gotten a good night’s sleep.
-Hair loss
-Weight gain; Even with improved diet and exercise
-Low body temperature; Cold extremities like hands and feet
-Dry skin
-High Cholesterol
-“Brain fogginess”
-Muscle pain and longer recovery time
-Irritable bowel
-Swelling in the ankles or facial puffiness
-Increased risk of coronary diseases
Frequently, an underactive Thyroid is caused by nutritional deficiencies, and once these deficiencies have been addressed the problem often resolves itself.
Because hormones in our body all work together during homeostasis, a Thyroid hormone imbalance can cause other hormones to run off track. Some hormones affected by Thyroid hormone levels include:
Estrogen- The Thyroid may not be able to produce hormones properly if your estrogen levels are high.
Progesterone- Because it has a stimulating effect on the Thyroid, a drop in levels of progesterone throughout menopause or perimenopause can lower Thyroid hormone levels.
Testosterone- Testosterone also stimulates the Thyroid, so reduced thyroid function can occur during andropause (male menopause)
In order to determine Thyroid function, routine blood testing is necessary. Comprehensive Thyroid testing typically includes: TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPO), T3 uptake, and T4 total.
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-Fatigue; Many people report feeling tired even when they have gotten a good night’s sleep.
-Hair loss
-Weight gain; Even with improved diet and exercise
-Low body temperature; Cold extremities like hands and feet
-Dry skin
-High Cholesterol
-“Brain fogginess”
-Muscle pain and longer recovery time
-Irritable bowel
-Swelling in the ankles or facial puffiness
-Increased risk of coronary diseases
Frequently, an underactive Thyroid is caused by nutritional deficiencies, and once these deficiencies have been addressed the problem often resolves itself.
Because hormones in our body all work together during homeostasis, a Thyroid hormone imbalance can cause other hormones to run off track. Some hormones affected by Thyroid hormone levels include:
Estrogen- The Thyroid may not be able to produce hormones properly if your estrogen levels are high.
Progesterone- Because it has a stimulating effect on the Thyroid, a drop in levels of progesterone throughout menopause or perimenopause can lower Thyroid hormone levels.
Testosterone- Testosterone also stimulates the Thyroid, so reduced thyroid function can occur during andropause (male menopause)
In order to determine Thyroid function, routine blood testing is necessary. Comprehensive Thyroid testing typically includes: TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPO), T3 uptake, and T4 total.
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Lead is a proven neurotoxin that can cause learning, language, and behavioral problems. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to lead. It crosses the placenta, and is able to directly affect the growing fetal brain.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Blood Test | Facebook - LotOfDeals wrote a note titled ✔✔✔ Blood Test. Read the full text
When the child must do random drug testing, they have no way of getting out of submitting to a drug test on the spot.
Lawsuits Expected Over Two Florida Bills - Expected lawsuits over bills allowing random drug testing of state worker...
Liver Test
The liver is an amazing organ that serves many purposes:
*Detoxification of the blood
*Producing clotting factor and other important proteins
* Metabolizing medications and nutrients
*Processing waste products of hemoglobin
* Storing vitamins, fat, cholesterol, and bile
* Produces glucose
Blood tests for the liver are some of the most common tests ordered by Physicians. These tests are used to determine the presence of certain enzymes that can indicate damage. Normally these enzymes reside within the cells of the liver, but when the liver is injured, these enzymes spill out into the blood stream. Mostly the liver tests look for things called ‘aminotransferases’ these are called: ALT, and AST. When these test levels are elevated, there can be a variety of causes. For example, you may have a high reading for your ALT/AST if you have muscle damage. Elevated levels do not always indicate liver disease.
Interpretations of these levels must be done after taking all clinical history and lab reports into consideration, a task that your doctor can accomplish best. It is important to note that elevated AST/ALT are not actually for indicating function of the liver, but are used to detect inflammation in the liver from any source.
A simple LFT or ‘liver function test’ is ordered routinely by Doctors and will more than likely be a part of your next physical. Optimal health requires routine screening of all body systems, including the liver.
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*Detoxification of the blood
*Producing clotting factor and other important proteins
* Metabolizing medications and nutrients
*Processing waste products of hemoglobin
* Storing vitamins, fat, cholesterol, and bile
* Produces glucose
Blood tests for the liver are some of the most common tests ordered by Physicians. These tests are used to determine the presence of certain enzymes that can indicate damage. Normally these enzymes reside within the cells of the liver, but when the liver is injured, these enzymes spill out into the blood stream. Mostly the liver tests look for things called ‘aminotransferases’ these are called: ALT, and AST. When these test levels are elevated, there can be a variety of causes. For example, you may have a high reading for your ALT/AST if you have muscle damage. Elevated levels do not always indicate liver disease.
Interpretations of these levels must be done after taking all clinical history and lab reports into consideration, a task that your doctor can accomplish best. It is important to note that elevated AST/ALT are not actually for indicating function of the liver, but are used to detect inflammation in the liver from any source.
A simple LFT or ‘liver function test’ is ordered routinely by Doctors and will more than likely be a part of your next physical. Optimal health requires routine screening of all body systems, including the liver.
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Recently, a study performed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) found that over 400 lipstick brands contained far more lead than previously thought- more than 7.19 parts per million- which means the level is double what was previously thought.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Albany Lawmakers Work Into The Night On Mega Deal - In a statement, the governor's office said the bill also all...
While most of these products are bogus, a select few are useful in masking drug use during a standard urine drug test.
Obama at parity with three GOP candidates in Georgia - Drug testing: 64 percent of those polled support drug-testing...
There are heavy metals like Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic in the water we drink, the food we eat, and the household chemicals we use every day.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Many parents ask their children to submit to drug testing, but how do they know that the child has not altered the specimen in some way?
DNA tests show cubby house blood is male human - DNA testing confirmed the blood as male human and Sydney detectives...
prostate specific antigen
According to a new study performed by the Vanderbuilt-Ingram Cancer center in Nashville, Tennessee; the size of a man’s prostate can help Doctors predict the severity of his prostate cancer. The researchers found that smaller prostates which produced higher levels of PSA (prostate specific antigen) in the blood are most often linked to serious forms of prostate cancer that require aggressive treatment.
Nothing about the size of the prostate alone indicates a negative outcome; what is significant is the ratio of PSA levels in relation to prostate size, or PSA density- meaning that a small prostate which produces a large amount of PSA is likely to be due to a bad tumor, whereas a large prostate that produces a large amount of PSA is most likely due to BPH, or ‘benign enlargement of the prostate’.
The researchers pointed out that the findings are significant since men with prostate cancer who are considered low-risk may receive less aggressive treatment or just be placed under observation.
"Urology and specifically studies dealing with the prostate suffer from this great confusion because in half of men you can find prostate cancer in microscopic amounts that may not be clinically significant and yet it's the second leading cause of cancer death among men. The more you look for it, the more you find it, but that doesn't help us figure out who needs treatment and who doesn't."
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Nothing about the size of the prostate alone indicates a negative outcome; what is significant is the ratio of PSA levels in relation to prostate size, or PSA density- meaning that a small prostate which produces a large amount of PSA is likely to be due to a bad tumor, whereas a large prostate that produces a large amount of PSA is most likely due to BPH, or ‘benign enlargement of the prostate’.
The researchers pointed out that the findings are significant since men with prostate cancer who are considered low-risk may receive less aggressive treatment or just be placed under observation.
"Urology and specifically studies dealing with the prostate suffer from this great confusion because in half of men you can find prostate cancer in microscopic amounts that may not be clinically significant and yet it's the second leading cause of cancer death among men. The more you look for it, the more you find it, but that doesn't help us figure out who needs treatment and who doesn't."
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Lead is just one of the heavy metals known to be dangerous when consumed by humans. Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic, and Chromium are equally concerning.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Heavy Metal Testing
There are heavy metals like Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic in the water we drink, the food we eat, and the household chemicals we use every day. Typically, these very low levels of heavy metals they have no immediate effect on our health, but as time go on, they can build up to near toxic levels.
Recently, a study performed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) found that over 400 lipstick brands contained far more lead than previously thought- more than 7.19 parts per million- which means the level is double what was previously thought. Lead specifically builds up in the body over time, and applying lipstick a few times a day, every day, adds up quickly.
Lead is a proven neurotoxin that can cause learning, language, and behavioral problems. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to lead. It crosses the placenta, and is able to directly affect the growing fetal brain. While the FDA claims there is no safety concern regarding the level of lead women are consuming in their lipstick, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) fired back by saying that there is no acceptable or ‘safe’ level of lead.
There have been many concerned groups such as “Campaign for Safe Cosmetics” who have called out for the FDA to set safety standards for an allowable amount of lead found in cosmetics.
Lead is just one of the heavy metals known to be dangerous when consumed by humans. Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic, and Chromium are equally concerning.
A simple blood test at a laboratory like Any Lab Test Now can determine the exact amount of these heavy metals in your blood.
Source :
Recently, a study performed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) found that over 400 lipstick brands contained far more lead than previously thought- more than 7.19 parts per million- which means the level is double what was previously thought. Lead specifically builds up in the body over time, and applying lipstick a few times a day, every day, adds up quickly.
Lead is a proven neurotoxin that can cause learning, language, and behavioral problems. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to lead. It crosses the placenta, and is able to directly affect the growing fetal brain. While the FDA claims there is no safety concern regarding the level of lead women are consuming in their lipstick, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) fired back by saying that there is no acceptable or ‘safe’ level of lead.
There have been many concerned groups such as “Campaign for Safe Cosmetics” who have called out for the FDA to set safety standards for an allowable amount of lead found in cosmetics.
Lead is just one of the heavy metals known to be dangerous when consumed by humans. Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic, and Chromium are equally concerning.
A simple blood test at a laboratory like Any Lab Test Now can determine the exact amount of these heavy metals in your blood.
Source :
Drug testing is performed using a urine sample, but other methods are readily available depending on the desired time-frame for detection.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
New DNA testing OKd in 1994 Madison slaying JSOnline - Dane County's district attorney has approved a new round ...
Saturday, 10 March 2012
DNA is solving property crimes - DNA testing is a practice typically reserved for personal crimes like rape and murd...
"Urology and specifically studies dealing with the prostate suffer from this great confusion because in half of men you can find prostate cancer in microscopic amounts that may not be clinically significant and yet it's the second leading cause of cancer death among men.
India Fest teaches culture, supports Red Cross - Free except for a $60 fee for optional blood test They are signs of...
Out of a desire to help them overcome their addiction, you should not hesitate to ask them to participate in drug testing.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Drug Testing State Workers Passes - Legislation authorizing random drug testing of state employees is on its way to ...
The researchers pointed out that the findings are significant since men with prostate cancer who are considered low-risk may receive less aggressive treatment or just be placed under observation.
Tyson Griffin Tested Positive For Marijuana At UFC 123 - In the end we're left with a lot of questionable behavi...
The first step in getting these people the help they need to beat their addiction is a simple drug test.
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Proposed drug testing of Duchesne County students tabled due to funding question
The researchers found that smaller prostates which produced higher levels of PSA (prostate specific antigen) in the blood are most often linked to serious forms of prostate cancer that require aggressive treatment.
Routine drug testing saves large and small companies millions of dollars each year by helping to minimize accidents and ensure a safe work environment for all employees.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Father of missing mom: 'It's a hard day for me.' - DNA testing will be performed by the Colorado Bureau Investigatio...
GNC Drug Testing? - Hello everyone! Happy New Year and all that stuff...*snicker* I never did get any repsonse from ...
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
According to a new study performed by the Vanderbuilt-Ingram Cancer center in Nashville, Tennessee; the size of a man’s prostate can help Doctors predict the severity of his prostate cancer.
Drug testing can be done for any age group and is completely non-invasive. Most commonly, drug testing is performed using a urine sample, but other methods are readily available depending on the desired time-frame for detection.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Cholesterol tests, whether done by finger-stick or by blood draw, fasting or non-fasting, are essential in maintaining over-all health and wellness for both children and adults.
Advancements in technology have made is possible to test for drugs in a variety of ways, like urine, hair, and blood.
Cholesterol checks aren’t just for adults anymore! An expert panel from the NIH (National Institute of Health) and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) are now recommending that all children between the ages of 9-11 years old have a cholesterol screening, with a repeat cholesterol test at age 17-21.
Children who don’t have serious heart risks (and most children don’t), will be fine doing a quick non-fasting, finger-stick cholesterol check. But all children can participate in a fasting cholesterol blood draw. One of the many reasons for the upward spike in cholesterol checks for children is trying to find the 1 in 500 kids who have familial hypercholesterolemia (an inherited genetic glitch that boosts LDL, i.e.: dangerous cholesterol) to extremely high levels. A more pressing reason is that today’s young people will face fatal heart diseases earlier in adulthood.
This is due to the following reasons:
• Higher sodium content and sugar content in diet. Not enough fruits, vegetables, lean protein or fiber in the diet.
• 30% of boys and 40% of girls have higher-than –normal blood sugar levels (increasing their risk of type 2 diabetes later in life)
• One-third are obese or overweight
• Not enough physical activity (at least one hour per day)
• They do not have ‘ideal’ cholesterol levels even at a young age-(high LDL and low HDL)
• About 7% also had high blood pressure
Cholesterol tests, whether done by finger-stick or by blood draw, fasting or non-fasting, are essential in maintaining over-all health and wellness for both children and adults.
source :
Children who don’t have serious heart risks (and most children don’t), will be fine doing a quick non-fasting, finger-stick cholesterol check. But all children can participate in a fasting cholesterol blood draw. One of the many reasons for the upward spike in cholesterol checks for children is trying to find the 1 in 500 kids who have familial hypercholesterolemia (an inherited genetic glitch that boosts LDL, i.e.: dangerous cholesterol) to extremely high levels. A more pressing reason is that today’s young people will face fatal heart diseases earlier in adulthood.
This is due to the following reasons:
• Higher sodium content and sugar content in diet. Not enough fruits, vegetables, lean protein or fiber in the diet.
• 30% of boys and 40% of girls have higher-than –normal blood sugar levels (increasing their risk of type 2 diabetes later in life)
• One-third are obese or overweight
• Not enough physical activity (at least one hour per day)
• They do not have ‘ideal’ cholesterol levels even at a young age-(high LDL and low HDL)
• About 7% also had high blood pressure
Cholesterol tests, whether done by finger-stick or by blood draw, fasting or non-fasting, are essential in maintaining over-all health and wellness for both children and adults.
source :
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Saturday, 3 March 2012
One of the many reasons for the upward spike in cholesterol checks for children is trying to find the 1 in 500 kids who have familial hypercholesterolemia (an inherited genetic glitch that boosts LDL, i.e.: dangerous cholesterol) to extremely high levels.
Bill would allow drug felons to get food stamps - Brattin said he would be willing to support the bill if it contain...
If you answered yes to any of the questions listed above then what you need is a drug test.
Friday, 2 March 2012
Routine drug testing saves large and small companies millions of dollars each year by helping to minimize accidents and ensure a safe work environment for all employees.
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Commissioners: STD testing costs to rise in county - NEW BRAUNFELS — Fees charged by the Comal County Public Health ...
Children who don’t have serious heart risks (and most children don’t), will be fine doing a quick non-fasting, finger-stick cholesterol check.
Have you ever wondered if your son or daughter was abusing drugs? Have you ever suspected one of your employees was getting high or drinking alcohol on the job?
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