Risk-free environment:
If the organization has a regular drug testing procedure then this will ensure that the official environment is kept clean and free from any kind of influence of drugs. Employees who indulge in drugs are a potential threat to the organization as one cannot predict what they might do. They can be involved in theft of personal items or office supplies or can do something which is totally unexpected out of them. Conducting a drug test on regular basis will instill a fear of getting caught and the news being leaked in the organization. Infamy is something which is not considered desirable by most of us.
Protest the company's image:
There are times when mishaps happen and the company is to be blamed; especially if it occurs during the working hours of the company. If after such an incident, you can conduct a drug test then the results can be quite beneficial. If during the drug test, it is proven beyond doubt that the employee was under the effect of drugs then the amount of compensation to be paid will be considerably less. In this way, both the name and fame of the organization will be saved apart from the amount of compensation which is quite huge in such cases.
Morale boosting exercise:
If you ensure that your employees undergo a drug test on a regular basis then the exercise can be a great way to boost morale among the employees. Sometimes while partying, people in a certain group may get tainted as drug takers. If your organization has a mandatory practice of drug testing, then you can rest assured that your employees are not involved in a drug scandal. Normally what happens is that many employees tend to lie or engage in a covert behavior in order to save their fellow colleagues who take drugs. Conduction of a regular drug test ensures a worry-free atmosphere with nothing to hide and no scope for rumors and gossips.
The workplace is a place to conduct one's self respectfully and professionally. It is not a place to conduct yourself in a careless manner or to indulge in any activity detrimental to you personally or professionally. It has become quite important to conduct a drug testing as some of them are freely available as over the counter (OTC) medicines. Getting drug testing done on a regular basis will ensure that the employees do not indulge in OTC medicines, abuse prescription drugs, or use illegal substances. You can either opt for regularly scheduled or unscheduled (random) drug testing events in your office to ensure that there is 100% participation with only a few exceptions.
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