Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Gonorrhea can cause serious medical complications such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and epididymitis - http://ow.ly/8MNrF
Although the signs and symptoms of Chlamydia are often mild or absent, serious, irreversible damage can be done internally and happen ‘silently’. http://ow.ly/8MNnN
The symptoms of AIDS are mostly the result of infections that would not affect a healthy immune system. http://ow.ly/8MNfE
The Department of Transportation or ‘DOT’ uses the highest possible standards for drug testing in the United States. Drug tests done to “DOT standards” require special accommodations for accuracy. The donor will be instructed to empty pockets of all belongings and remove all non-necessary outer-wear (hats, coats, jackets). They will then be asked to wash their hands without using soap. Depending on the policy of the company, the test may be observed. The donor will select a drug testing cup to use for the collection. A total of 90ml of urine must be collected in order to have an accurate result.
DOT drug testing is used by the United States military, Trucking/Shipping companies, Health and Human service sectors, the United States Government, and all Highway, Railroad, Flight, and Commercial transportation testing.
DOT drug testing is performed to the highest possible standard and the results are considered to be so reliable that they can be used in a court of law to attest to an individual’s use of drugs or alcohol.
In addition to DOT drug testing, DOT alcohol testing is also performed to a specific set of strict compliance standards. The DOT is committed to making the roads and airways safer for everyone by conducting the highest standard of drug and alcohol testing.
Source : http://ping.fm/VqMOW
DOT drug testing is used by the United States military, Trucking/Shipping companies, Health and Human service sectors, the United States Government, and all Highway, Railroad, Flight, and Commercial transportation testing.
DOT drug testing is performed to the highest possible standard and the results are considered to be so reliable that they can be used in a court of law to attest to an individual’s use of drugs or alcohol.
In addition to DOT drug testing, DOT alcohol testing is also performed to a specific set of strict compliance standards. The DOT is committed to making the roads and airways safer for everyone by conducting the highest standard of drug and alcohol testing.
Source : http://ping.fm/VqMOW
Saliva test to monitor Estrogen 'needle free' during IVF treatment launches in ... http://ow.ly/1h2CBt
Monday, 30 January 2012
Hepatitis C in particular is four times more infectious that the AIDS virus, 70% of those with Hepatitis C will develop chronic liver disease. http://ow.ly/8Lkky
Gonorrhea testing is recommended for all sexually active people, but especially those who have several new partners in the course of a year. http://ow.ly/8LkhE
Groupon offers STD Testing - Groupon STD Testing Deal. Groupon is offering a STD testing offer on their Dubui websit... http://ow.ly/1h1qXt
There are Chlamydia tests available at most health clinics and walk in laboratories.
Syphilis Testing
Syphilis is a sexual transmitted disease that is caused by a bacterium called treponema pallidum. Syphilis is contracted when direct skin-to-skin contact occurs between skin and a syphilis sore. Throughout history, Syphilis has often been referred to as ‘the great imitator’ because its symptoms mimic those of many other diseases and conditions.
In most cases, Syphilis manifests itself through sores which are typically found on the external genitals, vagina, penis, rectum, lips, and mouth. Syphilis can be contracted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Although many people do not show any signs of Syphilis for years, it become more dangerous the more time it is left un-treated.
Syphilis has three stages: Primary, Secondary, and Late/latent.
Primary: Usually this stage begins with a single sore (but there can be more than one) that is firm, round, small and painless. This sore will occur in the place that Syphilis entered the body and will go away within 3-6 weeks without treatment. If the sore remains untreated, Syphilis will progress to the secondary stage.
Secondary: The secondary stage is marked by a rash and lesions on mucous membranes. A rash on one or more areas that does not itch is usually the indicator that this secondary stage has begun. In addition to these rashes, other symptoms of secondary stage syphilis include: fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, headaches, hair loss, fatigue, muscle aches, and weight loss. Again, the symptoms of this stage will go away if treated or untreated, but left untreated Syphilis will progress to the last stage.
Late/Latent: During this stage both primary and secondary symptoms disappear. This stage can occur 10-20 years after Syphilis was contracted. Late stages of Syphilis can cause severe damage to internal organs, including the eyes, brain, heart, liver, bones, joints and nerves. Signs of the latest stage of Syphilis include numbness, dementia, gradual blindness, paralysis, and difficulty coordinating muscle movements.
Syphilis testing is done through a blood test and is a fast and non-invasive procedure. Syphilis antibodies can be detected in the blood and treatment will be successful if caught in the early stages. Usually one intramuscular injection of penicillin is enough to cure Syphilis in someone who has had it less than a year.
Syphilis testing is necessary for all sexually active individuals.
Source : http://ping.fm/BXb0n
In most cases, Syphilis manifests itself through sores which are typically found on the external genitals, vagina, penis, rectum, lips, and mouth. Syphilis can be contracted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Although many people do not show any signs of Syphilis for years, it become more dangerous the more time it is left un-treated.
Syphilis has three stages: Primary, Secondary, and Late/latent.
Primary: Usually this stage begins with a single sore (but there can be more than one) that is firm, round, small and painless. This sore will occur in the place that Syphilis entered the body and will go away within 3-6 weeks without treatment. If the sore remains untreated, Syphilis will progress to the secondary stage.
Secondary: The secondary stage is marked by a rash and lesions on mucous membranes. A rash on one or more areas that does not itch is usually the indicator that this secondary stage has begun. In addition to these rashes, other symptoms of secondary stage syphilis include: fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, headaches, hair loss, fatigue, muscle aches, and weight loss. Again, the symptoms of this stage will go away if treated or untreated, but left untreated Syphilis will progress to the last stage.
Late/Latent: During this stage both primary and secondary symptoms disappear. This stage can occur 10-20 years after Syphilis was contracted. Late stages of Syphilis can cause severe damage to internal organs, including the eyes, brain, heart, liver, bones, joints and nerves. Signs of the latest stage of Syphilis include numbness, dementia, gradual blindness, paralysis, and difficulty coordinating muscle movements.
Syphilis testing is done through a blood test and is a fast and non-invasive procedure. Syphilis antibodies can be detected in the blood and treatment will be successful if caught in the early stages. Usually one intramuscular injection of penicillin is enough to cure Syphilis in someone who has had it less than a year.
Syphilis testing is necessary for all sexually active individuals.
Source : http://ping.fm/BXb0n
What's happening today in the north valley - HIV and HEP C/STD testing: 8 am-5 pm Appointments only. Fees depend on ... http://ow.ly/1h0ULi
Sunday, 29 January 2012
DNA Testing Blog | For Smart Life Choices - DNA Testing Blog. Will my son be sprinter or a marathon runner? Is my da... http://ow.ly/1h0xms
US woman advised to bring husband or adopt surrogate baby - According to the ICMR guidelines, the parents should und... http://ow.ly/1gZVXu
STD tests offered in discounted voucher deal - "Now here's something you never thought Groupon would offer ... http://ow.ly/1gZFrV
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Knox County, unions at odds over workers' benefits - By STEPHEN DI BENEDETTO County union officials on Thursday coun... http://ow.ly/1gZr7i
Since 1981, more than 30 million people have died as a result of AIDS; 1.8 million people died from AIDS in 2010 alone. Although there is no cure for AIDS http://ow.ly/8JGqG
His desire was to help educate the public about the importance of Hepatitis blood testing and draw attention to this very... http://ow.ly/8JGpj
State Employee Drug Test Bills Moving in Florida - The bills authorize state agencies to require all employees to su... http://ow.ly/1gYYHj
Gonorrhea testing typically involved a urine sample where the patient is instructed not to urinate at least an hour beforehand. http://ow.ly/8JGod
What is an STD test? An STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) test can be used for detecting the presence of the most common STDs; the results of such testing can be used to acquire prescriptions to treat said diseases. Common STD tests include: HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) I&II, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.
An STD test can be performed in a variety of ways. Some STD tests are done through blood, others are done through urine. STD tests are virtually painless in most cases and the results of such tests can be life altering. No one should live wondering about their STD status- this is a sure recipe for disaster and long-term, irreversible damage.
STD tests can be performed by Physicians, Hospitals, Urgent Care Centers, Walk-in Clinics, Laboratories, and other healthcare settings. STD tests can even be performed anonymously for people who wish to keep all information private. Most fees associated with STD tests are nominal as these tests are very common and it has been suggested that any and all sexually active individuals do these tests periodically.
STD tests can seem daunting at first; they bring up anxieties and fears that are completely normal. But of all the things to be afraid of, STD testing should be one of them. Not knowing your STD status is far more terrifying and life-threatening. If you are sexually active, have an STD test today to ensure your safety and the safety of your sexual partner(s).
Source : http://ping.fm/ZBNtF
An STD test can be performed in a variety of ways. Some STD tests are done through blood, others are done through urine. STD tests are virtually painless in most cases and the results of such tests can be life altering. No one should live wondering about their STD status- this is a sure recipe for disaster and long-term, irreversible damage.
STD tests can be performed by Physicians, Hospitals, Urgent Care Centers, Walk-in Clinics, Laboratories, and other healthcare settings. STD tests can even be performed anonymously for people who wish to keep all information private. Most fees associated with STD tests are nominal as these tests are very common and it has been suggested that any and all sexually active individuals do these tests periodically.
STD tests can seem daunting at first; they bring up anxieties and fears that are completely normal. But of all the things to be afraid of, STD testing should be one of them. Not knowing your STD status is far more terrifying and life-threatening. If you are sexually active, have an STD test today to ensure your safety and the safety of your sexual partner(s).
Source : http://ping.fm/ZBNtF
Friday, 27 January 2012
State clears abundance of DNA samples awaiting analysis - 2002 A backlog that slowed DNA testing in the state and je... http://ow.ly/1gYuwB
All of these problems can be easily avoided if each sexually active person took charge of their health and the health .. http://ow.ly/8IQso
There are various methods of testing for HIV/AIDS, some of which can provide results before the normal window of detection. http://ow.ly/8IQpC
There are 25 different types of sexually transmitted diseases and it has been estimated that the number of Americans living with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is now over 65 million. If that isn’t startling enough, 1 in 4 people will contract an STD in their lifetime. This is largely due to the infrequent rates at which the average American submits to STD testing.
Sexually transmitted diseases have a wide range of symptoms including but not limited to: Sores and rashes on the skin, discharge from sexual organs, painful urination, blisters and itching in or around genitals, damage to internal organs, fevers and headaches, strong odor, and abdominal pain. More permanent damage from contracting an STD and being unaware of the infection can also include chronic pelvic pain, cervical cancer, major organ damage, infertility and death.
Based on the aforementioned information, it is not hard to see why routine STD testing for all sexually active adults is HIGHLY recommended. The truth is that it’s not only adults who are sexually active, and that is a scary thought for any parent. Although every parent deals with the topic of sex differently, there is no denying that STDs are real concern and can be very dangerous. Parents set the standard for their children, so if adults are responsible about their sexual health by having STD testing done, the younger generation will take notice and understand the importance of how sexual health affects over-all health, both now and in the future. STD testing is essential for ALL sexually active individuals, regardless of age. Even senior citizens are not immune from the possibility of contracting an STD; in fact, the number of seniors with STDs is rising steadily - demonstrating the even greater need for education and STD testing.
STD testing is nothing to be ashamed of, if anything, you should be proud of yourself for making the educated decision to test for STDs. It’s your life, it’s your health, it’s time to educate yourself and others by getting an STD test.
Source : http://ping.fm/qQihB
Sexually transmitted diseases have a wide range of symptoms including but not limited to: Sores and rashes on the skin, discharge from sexual organs, painful urination, blisters and itching in or around genitals, damage to internal organs, fevers and headaches, strong odor, and abdominal pain. More permanent damage from contracting an STD and being unaware of the infection can also include chronic pelvic pain, cervical cancer, major organ damage, infertility and death.
Based on the aforementioned information, it is not hard to see why routine STD testing for all sexually active adults is HIGHLY recommended. The truth is that it’s not only adults who are sexually active, and that is a scary thought for any parent. Although every parent deals with the topic of sex differently, there is no denying that STDs are real concern and can be very dangerous. Parents set the standard for their children, so if adults are responsible about their sexual health by having STD testing done, the younger generation will take notice and understand the importance of how sexual health affects over-all health, both now and in the future. STD testing is essential for ALL sexually active individuals, regardless of age. Even senior citizens are not immune from the possibility of contracting an STD; in fact, the number of seniors with STDs is rising steadily - demonstrating the even greater need for education and STD testing.
STD testing is nothing to be ashamed of, if anything, you should be proud of yourself for making the educated decision to test for STDs. It’s your life, it’s your health, it’s time to educate yourself and others by getting an STD test.
Source : http://ping.fm/qQihB
The only way to diagnose a Hepatitis infection is to have Hepatitis testing done at your local laboratory by well-trained healthcare professionals. http://ow.ly/8IQms
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Chlamydia is the most commonly reported bacterial STD in the United States. As scary as it may sound, even this is not a clear view of all those affected because so many people do not know they have Chlamydia. http://ow.ly/8HnGj
AIDS testing is often synonymous with HIV testing, as it is very rare to have AIDS before first having HIV. HIV/AIDs tests are typically done as a blood test either through a blood draw or a finger stick. http://ow.ly/8HnBm
Random testing? Blue Jays slugger Jose Bautista given 16 drug tests over two ... http://ow.ly/1gWEY8
In 2006, popular recording artist Steven Tyler of Aerosmith opened up to the public about his long battle with Hepatitis C.
Since the 1980’s, the epidemic of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) has had a devastating effect on people from all different countries, all different walks-of-life, and all different ages. No one is spared by the HIV/AIDS virus; however, a simple HIV test can stop the cycle of transmission and give you the peace of mind of knowing you are free of this deadly disease. By the end of 2010, 34 million people around the world had contracted HIV.
The importance HIV testing has become apparent from the very beginning, though early testing technologies were in need of some fine-tuning. Nowadays the HIV test and testing methods have come a very long way. HIV tests can now be performed by blood with a simple finger-stick and the results can be given in as little as 15 minutes. These rapid HIV tests are antibody tests and are similar to what would be done in a laboratory, and they are just as accurate.
There used to be a stigma over HIV testing; the popular thought was that HIV only affected gay men and people who shared needles -and that those would be the only people being tested for HIV. Now we know that is far from accurate. The CDC indicates that approximately 50,000 people contract HIV each year in the United States. It is true that high-risk groups such as gay men and drug users have a higher prevalence of HIV infections, as much as 60% of new cases were from these groups; however, heterosexual couples and children were also affected. African Americans were the racial group most effected, followed by Caucasians, Hispanic/Latinos, Mixed races, Asians, and Native Americans, with Pacific Islanders showing the lowest infection rates.
Regardless of age, race, or sexual orientation; a simple HIV test can save your life.
Source : http://www.labbocaraton.com/std-testing/hiv-testing.html
The importance HIV testing has become apparent from the very beginning, though early testing technologies were in need of some fine-tuning. Nowadays the HIV test and testing methods have come a very long way. HIV tests can now be performed by blood with a simple finger-stick and the results can be given in as little as 15 minutes. These rapid HIV tests are antibody tests and are similar to what would be done in a laboratory, and they are just as accurate.
There used to be a stigma over HIV testing; the popular thought was that HIV only affected gay men and people who shared needles -and that those would be the only people being tested for HIV. Now we know that is far from accurate. The CDC indicates that approximately 50,000 people contract HIV each year in the United States. It is true that high-risk groups such as gay men and drug users have a higher prevalence of HIV infections, as much as 60% of new cases were from these groups; however, heterosexual couples and children were also affected. African Americans were the racial group most effected, followed by Caucasians, Hispanic/Latinos, Mixed races, Asians, and Native Americans, with Pacific Islanders showing the lowest infection rates.
Regardless of age, race, or sexual orientation; a simple HIV test can save your life.
Source : http://www.labbocaraton.com/std-testing/hiv-testing.html
Teacher drug testing is rare at local schools - The issue of drug testing drew attention last week after the suspens... http://ow.ly/1gWh6K
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Gonorrhea testing is simple and affordable. This sexually transmitted disease is very common in the United States, with approximately 309,341 cases diagnosed in 2010 according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.Chlamydia is a very common STD which can damage female reproductive organs if left untreated.
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is the final stage of HIV (human immunodeficiency Virus). People at this stage of the disease have a badly damaged immune system.
Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is one of the largest health challenges of our time. Although about 1.2 million people in the US are living with HIV, about 240,000 people are unaware they are infected. This can be easily remedied with a simple HIV test. It is recommended that all people who are or ever have been sexual active, or engage in high risk behaviors such a needle sharing or homosexual sex have routine >HIV testing.
An HIV test is the only way to diagnose an HIV infection and is the first step in accessing the proper medical care and medications necessary to extend the life of infected individuals and their partners. Without an HIV test, people with HIV will develop AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus) and will most likely succumb to an early death.
There are many clinics, organizations, and laboratories that can conduct accurate HIV testing. Some HIV tests go directly to a laboratory; others are instantaneous and take only minutes to get results. Regardless of what type of test you choose, it is important to know the dangers of living with untreated HIV, both for yourself and your loved ones. If you have ever had sexual contact or engaged in high-risk behavior, you are a candidate for >HIV testing. Educate and empower yourself by having an HIV test done today.
Source : http://ping.fm/PONde
An HIV test is the only way to diagnose an HIV infection and is the first step in accessing the proper medical care and medications necessary to extend the life of infected individuals and their partners. Without an HIV test, people with HIV will develop AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus) and will most likely succumb to an early death.
There are many clinics, organizations, and laboratories that can conduct accurate HIV testing. Some HIV tests go directly to a laboratory; others are instantaneous and take only minutes to get results. Regardless of what type of test you choose, it is important to know the dangers of living with untreated HIV, both for yourself and your loved ones. If you have ever had sexual contact or engaged in high-risk behavior, you are a candidate for >HIV testing. Educate and empower yourself by having an HIV test done today.
Source : http://ping.fm/PONde
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
positive pregnancy test needed - I am pulling a funny April fool's day joke on my parents. I have been married f... http://ow.ly/1gUEXf
Herpes Simplex Virus
Herpes Simplex Virus or ‘HSV’ is most commonly found in one of two forms, HSVI and HSVII. HSV type one is oral herpes (cold sores), while HSV type 2 is genital herpes. A basic herpes blood test can check for both of these forms of the herpes.
Nearly 80% of the American adult population is infected with the HSVI virus because it is very easily spread via skin-to-skin contact and oral fluid secretions or sores on the skin. Just sharing a straw with an infected person is enough to contract HSVI. While this form of Herpes is considered a minor annoyance, it is always good to know your HSVI status to protect young children and those who are immune-compromised. You can easily learn your status with a routine Herpes test.
It has been estimated that 1 in 4 women have HSVII or genital Herpes. This form of herpes is the most common reason people go for a Herpes test. This form of herpes is sexually transmitted and can cause blister-like sores in and around the genital area. Unfortunately, both types of HSV can be spread even without the presence of open sores. This is all the more reason to get a Herpes test often, especially those who are not in a monogamous relationship with a trusted partner.
Source : http://www.labbocaraton.com/std-testing/genital-herpes.html
Nearly 80% of the American adult population is infected with the HSVI virus because it is very easily spread via skin-to-skin contact and oral fluid secretions or sores on the skin. Just sharing a straw with an infected person is enough to contract HSVI. While this form of Herpes is considered a minor annoyance, it is always good to know your HSVI status to protect young children and those who are immune-compromised. You can easily learn your status with a routine Herpes test.
It has been estimated that 1 in 4 women have HSVII or genital Herpes. This form of herpes is the most common reason people go for a Herpes test. This form of herpes is sexually transmitted and can cause blister-like sores in and around the genital area. Unfortunately, both types of HSV can be spread even without the presence of open sores. This is all the more reason to get a Herpes test often, especially those who are not in a monogamous relationship with a trusted partner.
Source : http://www.labbocaraton.com/std-testing/genital-herpes.html
Bill to test Va. welfare recipients for drug use advances - By Michael Sluss A House of Delegates committee has adva... http://ow.ly/1gU1qk
Monday, 23 January 2012
Everyone has heard of Hepatitis Testing but few people actually know what Hepatitis is. Put simply, Hepatitis is the occurrence of swelling and inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by many things, such as immune cells attacking the liver, Infections from viruses like A, B, or C; liver damage from alcohol or other poisonous substances, and sometimes medication overdoses which can occur, for example, with acetaminophen overdose. Liver diseases can also be caused by other genetic disorders like Cystic Fibrosis. Hepatitis affects people from all walks of life and can be contracted in a number of ways.
In 2006, popular recording artist Steven Tyler of Aerosmith opened up to the public about his long battle with Hepatitis C. His desire was to help educate the public about the importance of Hepatitis blood testing and draw attention to this very dangerous disease that affects almost 4 million Americans a year. Hepatitis C claims 8,000-10,000 lives annually and is the most common blood-borne infection in the United States. With a Simple Hepatitis C test, more Americans would benefit from early medical intervention and thus improve chances of successful treatment. Hepatitis C in particular is four times more infectious that the AIDS virus, 70% of those with Hepatitis C will develop chronic liver disease. If left untreated, Hepatitis C can cause cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver failure, liver cancer, and eventually death. The only way to diagnose a Hepatitis infection is to have Hepatitis testing done at your local laboratory by well-trained healthcare professionals. Imagine all the lives that could be saved with a simple Hepatitis test!
Source : http://www.labbocaraton.com/std-testing/hepatitis.html
In 2006, popular recording artist Steven Tyler of Aerosmith opened up to the public about his long battle with Hepatitis C. His desire was to help educate the public about the importance of Hepatitis blood testing and draw attention to this very dangerous disease that affects almost 4 million Americans a year. Hepatitis C claims 8,000-10,000 lives annually and is the most common blood-borne infection in the United States. With a Simple Hepatitis C test, more Americans would benefit from early medical intervention and thus improve chances of successful treatment. Hepatitis C in particular is four times more infectious that the AIDS virus, 70% of those with Hepatitis C will develop chronic liver disease. If left untreated, Hepatitis C can cause cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver failure, liver cancer, and eventually death. The only way to diagnose a Hepatitis infection is to have Hepatitis testing done at your local laboratory by well-trained healthcare professionals. Imagine all the lives that could be saved with a simple Hepatitis test!
Source : http://www.labbocaraton.com/std-testing/hepatitis.html
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Lack of money prevents Judiciary from random drug testing - by Mindy Aguon Guam - A lack of funding and the need to ... http://ow.ly/1gRBC2
Gonorrhea testing is simple and affordable. This sexually transmitted disease is very common in the United States, with approximately 309,341 cases diagnosed in 2010 according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). About 700,000 new cases of Gonorrhea infections are reported each year. Although the national average has decreased in the last 5 years, Gonorrhea is still a very real and persistent problem.
Gonorrhea testing typically involved a urine sample where the patient is instructed not to urinate at least an hour beforehand. Gonorrhea tests can also be done using genital swabs.
Typical symptoms that lead people to get Gonorrhea testing done are:
*PID-Pelvic Inflammatory disease
*Painful Urination
*Itching or burning feeling on genitals or during urination
*Penile or Vaginal discharge
*Rectal Infections
If left untreated, Gonorrhea can cause serious medical complications such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and epididymitis- Having Gonorrhea also makes an individual more susceptible to contracting HIV. If Gonorrhea spreads to the blood or joints it can be life-threatening.
Gonorrhea testing is recommended for all sexually active people, but especially those who have several new partners in the course of a year, and those in high risk groups like men who have sex with men (MSM).
Only testing for Gonorrhea can give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are STD free and that you are responsible for your sexual health.
Source : http://ping.fm/znCIf
Gonorrhea testing typically involved a urine sample where the patient is instructed not to urinate at least an hour beforehand. Gonorrhea tests can also be done using genital swabs.
Typical symptoms that lead people to get Gonorrhea testing done are:
*PID-Pelvic Inflammatory disease
*Painful Urination
*Itching or burning feeling on genitals or during urination
*Penile or Vaginal discharge
*Rectal Infections
If left untreated, Gonorrhea can cause serious medical complications such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and epididymitis- Having Gonorrhea also makes an individual more susceptible to contracting HIV. If Gonorrhea spreads to the blood or joints it can be life-threatening.
Gonorrhea testing is recommended for all sexually active people, but especially those who have several new partners in the course of a year, and those in high risk groups like men who have sex with men (MSM).
Only testing for Gonorrhea can give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are STD free and that you are responsible for your sexual health.
Source : http://ping.fm/znCIf
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Bills seek to link benefits, drug tests - The News Desk - Ransone said drug testing would be “a résuméresume-builder... http://ow.ly/1gR9aa
Gonorrhea testing is simple and affordable. This sexually transmitted disease is very common in the United States, with approximately 309,341 cases diagnosed in 2010 according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). About 700,000 new cases of Gonorrhea infections are reported each year. Although the national average has decreased in the last 5 years, Gonorrhea is still a very real and persistent problem.
Gonorrhea testing typically involved a urine sample where the patient is instructed not to urinate at least an hour beforehand. Gonorrhea tests can also be done using genital swabs.
Typical symptoms that lead people to get Gonorrhea testing done are:
*PID-Pelvic Inflammatory disease
*Painful Urination
*Itching or burning feeling on genitals or during urination
*Penile or Vaginal discharge
*Rectal Infections
If left untreated, Gonorrhea can cause serious medical complications such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and epididymitis- Having Gonorrhea also makes an individual more susceptible to contracting HIV. If Gonorrhea spreads to the blood or joints it can be life-threatening.
Gonorrhea testing is recommended for all sexually active people, but especially those who have several new partners in the course of a year, and those in high risk groups like men who have sex with men (MSM).
Only testing for Gonorrhea can give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are STD free and that you are responsible for your sexual health.
Source : http://ping.fm/SBk08
Gonorrhea testing typically involved a urine sample where the patient is instructed not to urinate at least an hour beforehand. Gonorrhea tests can also be done using genital swabs.
Typical symptoms that lead people to get Gonorrhea testing done are:
*PID-Pelvic Inflammatory disease
*Painful Urination
*Itching or burning feeling on genitals or during urination
*Penile or Vaginal discharge
*Rectal Infections
If left untreated, Gonorrhea can cause serious medical complications such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and epididymitis- Having Gonorrhea also makes an individual more susceptible to contracting HIV. If Gonorrhea spreads to the blood or joints it can be life-threatening.
Gonorrhea testing is recommended for all sexually active people, but especially those who have several new partners in the course of a year, and those in high risk groups like men who have sex with men (MSM).
Only testing for Gonorrhea can give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are STD free and that you are responsible for your sexual health.
Source : http://ping.fm/SBk08
Thyroid test - Dog Community, Dog Pictures, Dog Forum ... - Join Dog.community today and join a community of thousan... http://ow.ly/1gQsKr
Friday, 20 January 2012
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.Chlamydia is a very common STD which can damage female reproductive organs if left untreated. Although the signs and symptoms of Chlamydia are often mild or absent, serious, irreversible damage can be done internally and happen ‘silently’. There are Chlamydia tests available at most health clinics and walk in laboratories.
Chlamydia is the most commonly reported bacterial STD in the United States. As scary as it may sound, even this is not a clear view of all those affected because so many people do not know they have Chlamydia.
Although this disease is usually considered ‘silent’, symptoms of Chlamydia can include:
In Men:
*Burning during urination
*Discharge from the penis
*Rectal pain or discharge
*Testicular pain and tenderness
*Symptoms found in men are similar to those found in individuals with Gonorrhea.
In Women:
*Painful intercourse
*Vaginal discharge
*Burning during urination
*If left untreated, permanent damage to internal organs can occur, especially reproductive organs.
All of these problems can be easily avoided if each sexually active person took charge of their health and the health of their loved ones and requested a Chlamydia test at their local laboratory. Fees associated with this test are nominal but the peace of mind of knowing you are STD free is priceless.
Source : http://ping.fm/NcYN5
Chlamydia is the most commonly reported bacterial STD in the United States. As scary as it may sound, even this is not a clear view of all those affected because so many people do not know they have Chlamydia.
Although this disease is usually considered ‘silent’, symptoms of Chlamydia can include:
In Men:
*Burning during urination
*Discharge from the penis
*Rectal pain or discharge
*Testicular pain and tenderness
*Symptoms found in men are similar to those found in individuals with Gonorrhea.
In Women:
*Painful intercourse
*Vaginal discharge
*Burning during urination
*If left untreated, permanent damage to internal organs can occur, especially reproductive organs.
All of these problems can be easily avoided if each sexually active person took charge of their health and the health of their loved ones and requested a Chlamydia test at their local laboratory. Fees associated with this test are nominal but the peace of mind of knowing you are STD free is priceless.
Source : http://ping.fm/NcYN5
Dont count on a blood test to predict lifespan | Fox News - Can a blood test really predict your chances of living t... http://ow.ly/1gPhUE
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Lawmakers split on drug testing for aid recipients - Morgan characterized a bill that would require drug testing of ... http://ow.ly/1gOYXU
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is the final stage of HIV (human immunodeficiency Virus). People at this stage of the disease have a badly damaged immune system. When the immune system is not functioning properly, an individual is more susceptible to infections and other serious complications. Almost all people with HIV will progress to AIDS without proper treatment.
The symptoms of AIDS are mostly the result of infections that would not affect a healthy immune system. It can take about 10 years before HIV has damaged the immune system enough to progress into AIDS. AIDS can be diagnosed when the number of immune cells (CD4 cells) in the blood drops below a certain level. Since 1981, more than 30 million people have died as a result of AIDS; 1.8 million people died from AIDS in 2010 alone. Although there is no cure for AIDS, HIV infection can be prevented and HIV antiretroviral therapy can delay the onset of AIDS for many years.
AIDS testing is often synonymous with HIV testing, as it is very rare to have AIDS before first having HIV. HIV/AIDs tests are typically done as a blood test either through a blood draw or a finger stick. There are various methods of testing for HIV/AIDS, some of which can provide results before the normal window of detection. Typically, it takes between 3 weeks to 6 months for HIV antibodies to develop in the blood.
AIDS is a serious and life threatening disease, and although many strides have been made in prevention and treatment, many people are unaware of their infection and that is where the real danger comes in. If detected early, HIV can be suppressed and managed well into old age.
It has never been easier to get an HIV/AIDS test, call your local laboratory for details. http://ping.fm/uIVPv
The symptoms of AIDS are mostly the result of infections that would not affect a healthy immune system. It can take about 10 years before HIV has damaged the immune system enough to progress into AIDS. AIDS can be diagnosed when the number of immune cells (CD4 cells) in the blood drops below a certain level. Since 1981, more than 30 million people have died as a result of AIDS; 1.8 million people died from AIDS in 2010 alone. Although there is no cure for AIDS, HIV infection can be prevented and HIV antiretroviral therapy can delay the onset of AIDS for many years.
AIDS testing is often synonymous with HIV testing, as it is very rare to have AIDS before first having HIV. HIV/AIDs tests are typically done as a blood test either through a blood draw or a finger stick. There are various methods of testing for HIV/AIDS, some of which can provide results before the normal window of detection. Typically, it takes between 3 weeks to 6 months for HIV antibodies to develop in the blood.
AIDS is a serious and life threatening disease, and although many strides have been made in prevention and treatment, many people are unaware of their infection and that is where the real danger comes in. If detected early, HIV can be suppressed and managed well into old age.
It has never been easier to get an HIV/AIDS test, call your local laboratory for details. http://ping.fm/uIVPv
Jury selection begins in Swartout's trial - The case is unusual because police recovered no infant's body and a ... http://ow.ly/1gO0TN
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
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Norwood Lawyer Says His Client Is Innocent - After Morton's lawyers fought for years to get DNA testing on evide... http://ow.ly/1gN4TS
CDC develops new enterovirus 71 screening reagent - The new screening reagent works along the same principle as a pr... http://ow.ly/1gMIm0
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Impact of erroneous DNA tests in HSA lab minimal: Gan - In August last year, HSA's DNA Profiling Laboratory (DNA... http://ow.ly/1gMpnk
Monday, 16 January 2012
The inconceivable Princess Bride pregnancy test - Hahaha, oh man that's great Love this movie. That's funny.... http://ow.ly/1gL76r
Officials Found Guilty in Civil Servant Recruitment - Follow-up investigations showed that the results of Song's... http://ow.ly/1gKwCr
Benefits of drug testing

Risk-free environment:
If the organization has a regular drug testing procedure then this will ensure that the official environment is kept clean and free from any kind of influence of drugs. Employees who indulge in drugs are a potential threat to the organization as one cannot predict what they might do. They can be involved in theft of personal items or office supplies or can do something which is totally unexpected out of them. Conducting a drug test on regular basis will instill a fear of getting caught and the news being leaked in the organization. Infamy is something which is not considered desirable by most of us.
Protest the company's image:
There are times when mishaps happen and the company is to be blamed; especially if it occurs during the working hours of the company. If after such an incident, you can conduct a drug test then the results can be quite beneficial. If during the drug test, it is proven beyond doubt that the employee was under the effect of drugs then the amount of compensation to be paid will be considerably less. In this way, both the name and fame of the organization will be saved apart from the amount of compensation which is quite huge in such cases.
Morale boosting exercise:
If you ensure that your employees undergo a drug test on a regular basis then the exercise can be a great way to boost morale among the employees. Sometimes while partying, people in a certain group may get tainted as drug takers. If your organization has a mandatory practice of drug testing, then you can rest assured that your employees are not involved in a drug scandal. Normally what happens is that many employees tend to lie or engage in a covert behavior in order to save their fellow colleagues who take drugs. Conduction of a regular drug test ensures a worry-free atmosphere with nothing to hide and no scope for rumors and gossips.
The workplace is a place to conduct one's self respectfully and professionally. It is not a place to conduct yourself in a careless manner or to indulge in any activity detrimental to you personally or professionally. It has become quite important to conduct a drug testing as some of them are freely available as over the counter (OTC) medicines. Getting drug testing done on a regular basis will ensure that the employees do not indulge in OTC medicines, abuse prescription drugs, or use illegal substances. You can either opt for regularly scheduled or unscheduled (random) drug testing events in your office to ensure that there is 100% participation with only a few exceptions.
(Any Lab Test Now Boca Raton Drug Test )
Importance of STD Testing

Why is STD testing important?
There are many types of STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. Many of them are 'silent' meaning they may produce mild or no symptoms at all. This is one very important reason for STD testing, because many of the silent STDs can have very dire consequences in later stages if left undetected.
The importance of STD testing can be gauged from the fact that if STD test is not done in enough time, the probability of effective treatment of the disease is diminished. In such a scenario, a person may not only harbor and promote the virus of the disease within himself but he or she may also be putting others at risk of contracting the disease.
Some STDs can be detected from a simple rapid testing procedure, mainly for HIV testing. Another advantage of testing for STDs early and often is that if the afflicted person is a woman and wants to become a mother, she can confirm her STD status and can safely bring her baby to term and give birth without the fear transferring the disease to her unborn child. Even in the event that the Mother has contracted an STD, with the advent of medical advancements in this field and the latest research, doctors have created sophisticated medicines, injections, and procedures that can save the fetus from the affliction of the mother during pregnancy or child-birth.
Conditions for STD testing:
Here is a checklist to educate you on few conditions of the most common conditions for STD testing:
- A simple HIV testing is recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for all men and women if they are sexually active. This means is suggested whether you are in a monogamous relationship or have multiple partners.
- STD testing for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis are also important if you are under the age of 25, as the age group between 15 and 25 constitutes about one fourth of the afflicted population.
- Persons who are homosexual or bisexual are considered to be at high-risk for contracting STDs. Safe sex should be practiced at all times but no method of STD protection or contraception is fool-proof. You really must get an HIV test or STD tests on a regular basis to ensure you are and stay, clean.
Physicians the world over have different opinions as to why a person should get STD testing done as well as the list of tests to be done. However, it is solely an individual's choice as to what all tests he or she wants to opt for while going for a STD test. If you are health conscious and feel that your level of sexual activity is average or above average then it is imperative that you undergo regular STD testing. It is highly advocated to ensure that your sexual partners also go for the same STD testing procedure to ensure that they are free from any kind of sexual diseases and are in good over-all health.
(STD testing)
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Chief seeks fix - By Matt Stout The police chief hunting for the “rogue cop” who swiped drugs from Attleboro Police ... http://ow.ly/1gJTzK
Goodell: HGH testing talks continue to move slow - Asked if the proposed drug-testing plan would be ready for next s... http://ow.ly/1gJrYY
SC stereotypes unemployed - Supporters of drug testing often note that most companies require pre-employment drug te... http://ow.ly/1gJdR7
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Random drug test pushed for PUJ drivers - AFTER the apprehension of some public utility jeepney drivers (PUJ) for th... http://ow.ly/1gIkh0
Friday, 13 January 2012
Abilene Tea Party rep demands apology from Voorhees for sheriff forum disruption http://ow.ly/1gI5Iq
What is a paternity test?

What is the test all about?
The most common form of DNA testing is Paternity testing- This is a scientific way to use genetic material in our body (cells) to establish the relationship between two individuals. In simple terms, this test provides genetic proof that a biological link exists between two people, most often a father and child. There are other methods of DNA testing, which can be in the form of a clinical lab test such as ABO blood group typing, human leukocyte antigens and even the analysis of an assortment of enzymes and proteins in the body. However, the two most prominent methods for DNA testing or 'genetic finger printing' are as follows:
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)
These forms of DNA testing involve DNA samples of both the child and the parent to check the proximity of their similarity. Sixteen genetic markers are matched up, and the end result of this DNA testing (which is also known as the 'probability of parentage') is listed as zero when the man is not the biological father of a child. The same result is approximately 99.9% when the man is the biological father of a child.
Uses of paternity test:
There is absolutely no doubt that a paternity test is of great use to all parties involved. The benefits of this test are varied depending on perspective, but they are quite important as they pertain to the rights of the child. Following are a few instances when DNA testing can be essential:
- Filing for property rights when you are the child of a woman who was previously denied her rights as a wife. This situation often arises when you are a married woman who was left to fend for yourself while married. This is also the case when the man in question does not choose to acknowledge you or the child as being part of his life.
- During a custody battle when the woman has had previous affairs. In such a case, the man might ask for a paternity test to make sure that he does not end up taking care of someone else's child via child support or developing a close personal relationship with the child.
- Rape victims and their offspring are entitled to certain rights and benefits under the law and often a simple DNA test can help to convict the perpetrator of the crime.
- Young people who have sexual relationships are often not mature enough to deal with the implications of raising a child. The responsibility is more likely to be equally shared between the two parties and their families when the alleged father has been established biologically as the father of the child, which also helps to strengthen the bond between the father and child.
- There is another condition which is called reverse paternity testing wherein we use similar technology to establish relationship when there is no father available for testing. This is primarily used in order to determine relationship between the child and that of his other suspected kin, like cousins, when the father is deceased.
With the latest research and technology, even DNA testing has become 'smart' and is widely known to be the most sophisticated means of determining the paternity of a child. It is a very useful method to establish paternity, maternity, grandparantage, sibilingship, and so on. There are however, certain conditions where the paternity test may turn out to have 0-75% accuracy such as Chimerism (Chimersism is a rare disorder in which a person has more than one set of DNA) and of course, paternity fraud-wherein the Father will use a sample collected from another party in place of his own. This is why such testing must be done by competent and expertly trained professionals. Repeated testing can still determine the truth should such an unlikely scenario arise. The genetic testing of the cells is indeed a milestone of technology and is priceless not only for determining paternity for legal purposes, but also in restoring the full rights of the child involved.
(paternity test)
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Understanding your Thyroid Test

What is a thyroid test?
A blood test pertaining to the activities of thyroid specifically a TSH or Thyroid stimulating hormone, is a commonly ordered test that a Physician will use to help diagnose a Thyroid disorder. Typically thyroid testing includes checks for:
- Production of thyroid hormones
- Metabolism of thyroid hormone
- Activity and gland regulation of the thyroid
- Auto immunity of thyroid
There are many kinds of sub-tests which are also a part of thyroid testing. Which test is the most suitable for you depends on the advice of your physician or your local laboratory professionals. The doctor will go through your list of symptoms and suggest what testing you may benefit from. Here are a few tests which are a part of thyroid testing.
- Level of Hypersensitive thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
- Level of free triiodothyronine (FreeT3)
- Count of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (Anti-TG)
- Level of free thyroxine (FreeT4)
- Count of Anti-thyro peroxidase antibodies (Anti-TPO)
- fT3/rT3h
- fT4/fT3
- reverse T3 (rT3)
The aforementioned tests are conducted with a simple blood collection. These tests are imperative in revealing how your Thyroid gland is functioning. Though you may not notice the symptoms, if any abnormalities are revealed in the thyroid test, the doctors will take it quite seriously and wish to monitor your levels regularly.
What does a thyroid test reveal?
Until you conduct tests specifically for Thyroid function, these imbalances will often go un-diagnosed. With the help of a thyroid test, one can check the levels of T3 and T4. This in turn will tell you whether the afflicted person is suffering from hyper-thyroidism or hypo-thyroidism. Subtle changes or variations in the levels of the hormone deviating from the normal are immediately noticed and can be easily corrected to maintain optimal health. Failure to notice these changes in a thyroid blood test can trigger certain abnormalities in the body and promote the growth of degenerative ailments.
The thyroid is a very delicate part of the body. It is a portion which has many functions that are important for the growth and development of the body. If the thyroid is not working properly it could result in the manifestation of a lot of imbalance issues. A simple blood test can reveal these problems, which if detected in the initial stages, can be rectified long-term. Thyroid testing typically comes with a reference range so that you are able to compare your levels to those that are suggested as optimal by clinical laboratories. At your request, your doctor will surely educate you on what your results mean and whether there related dangers.
(Thyroid Test)
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Types of DNA Testing

Importance of DNA testing:
When it comes to the testing of DNA, it is acknowledged as a highly specialized field as even a small mistake can put the society and mankind in great peril. There are a myriad of uses of DNA testing; a few of them are enumerated below:
- DNA nanotechnology
- Bioinformatics
- Genetic engineering
- History and anthropology
- Forensics
The above mentioned are broad categories in which the testing of DNA plays a very important part. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the gravity of the task and deal with it accordingly.
Types of DNA testing:
Mitochondrial analysis: This technique for DNA sampling involves the mitochondria of the cells and is used in cases of degraded samples. Since the mitochondrial DNA is obtained from the maternal side, it is often used to establish relationship with the maternal side of the family. One of the famous cases where the technique was used is the case of a certain Anna Anderson claiming to be the Russian princess Anastasia Romanov.
STR analysis: Based on the PCR technique, it uses short tandem repeats (STR) to determine the sample of DNA.
DNA family relationship analysis: This technique uses the PCR technology and mainly hinges on the availability of junk DNA on almost any part of the body. There are certain types of DNA that are for the guidance and working of particular organs. The remaining DNA is called ‘Junk DNA’. This is used in DNA testing to establish relationships between siblings, etc.
PCR analysis: Polymerase chain reaction or the PCR technique has helped mankind tremendously as it took DNA sampling to a whole new level. It gave the testing team the power to unearth vital information about a person during the time of profiling. Now, a lot more information could be recovered from even a small quantity of sample.
Y-chromosome analysis: To determine the paternal side of the family, this technique is quite useful as Y chromosomes come only through the father of a child. This method of DNA testing was used in the famous Thomas Jefferson – Sally Hemings controversy.
AmpFLP: Amplified fragment length polymorphism or the AmpFLP based technique was invariably faster than the RFLP analysis and is still used as a means to do DNA sampling in low-income countries. This is because the entire set up to test DNA is low cost and therefore a very viable option for such countries.
RFLP analysis: The acronym stands for Restriction fragment length polymorphism and this is one of the first few techniques to sample DNA. After this, came the Southern blot technique. The former was discarded as it required non-degraded samples in great amount. The latter was not practiced much because the entire process was difficult to begin with.
Today, in extreme cases of determining paternity, or when a person is claiming to be someone else, these are perfect examples of situations where DNA sampling or DNA testing is the only method to determine the true answers. These scenarios arise when there is nasty divorce, custody battle, or when a property settlement issue comes up. A case in point is that of the Pakistani cricketing legend who acknowledged his love child only after the paternity test was able to establish identity and provide proof of paternity.
(DNA Testing in Boca raton)
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